As we are about to start our new season of our evolved GGSL, I'd like to take a moment and thank you all (managers & players alike) for making our league one of the best in old timers soccer. A warm league welcome to Zaeen of Chelsea Legends and Lee of Inter CWO who are joining the OT Division.
Special thank you goes to Alan and Marcel for their hard work and commitment towards making the new 3 division/6 team format possible. I'd also like to thank Paolo for his excellent work on referee assignments and the discipline committee. Last but not least, Keith our treasurer who makes sure our fees never get out of hand.
I also like to remind all managers to direct your players to review our Bylaws and our Player Code of Conduct and to make sure they commit to abide by them and play in the true spirit of our league.
I wish everyone a very healthy and fun season. Looking forward to seeing you all on October 25th!
GGSL Commissioner